AI for Agro-Food Lab (completed)

AI for Agro-Food Lab (completed)

A collaboration between OnePlanet, Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University & Research.

De Zaale, 5612 AZ Eindhoven

The AI for Agro-Food lab is a collaboration of 4TU (the four universities of technology in The Netherlands) and OnePlanet in cooperation with industry partners and coordinated by Wageningen University & Research. The aim of the lab is to evolve a new generation of ecology-based sustainable agricultural production systems that are supported and enhanced by smart tailored technology.

The lab will provide methods and tools that form the base for both integrated solutions for production systems, as well as sociotechnical scenarios for the transition towards these systems. This lab will be a subset of the larger Synergia crossover program initiated by NWO.

Sustainable Development Goals
About The Lab Hero Image

Research projects

Smart crop and animal sensing: Developing dedicated sensors for applications in horticulture, dairy farming and arable farming.

Intelligent control and decision making: Developing sustainable methods for customisable autonomous decision-making and management support of specific farming challenges.

Robotic handling: Developing algorithms to enable the accomplishment of the robot actuation tasks.


Gert Koostra
AI for Agro-Food Lab
Lab Directors
CongCong Sun
AI for Agro-Food Lab
Lab Directors

PHD Students

Gert Koostra
CongCong Sun


Avular is a robotics company for drones and applications.

Connecterra is a technology company for sensor and management systems in dairy products.

IMEC is a Belgian R&D hub for nano- and digital technologies.

Provincie Flevoland is a regional government with interest in agriculture.

Kubota is a manufacturer of farming equipment and electronic solutions.

Leafteasers is a consultancy, certification and business accelerator in energy and agriculture.

Lely is a company for advanced milking, feeding and bar cleaning equipment for dairy cows

NanoPHAB is a company for nanophotonic optical sensing and integrated spectometry.

NXP Semiconductors is a company for integrated circuits for radio-frequency applications.

OnePlanet is a research center for chip and digital technology innovations in food, agriculture and health.

Sensor Sense is a company dedicated to high sensitive laser-based trace gas instrumentation.

Settels Savenije is a company for opto-mechanical product design and manufacturing.

Signify is a company for lighting solutions for greenhouses.

Flevoland Province
NXP Semiconductors
OnePlanet Research Center
Settels Savenije van Amelsfoort
Signify Netherlands

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