

A collaboration between Jetbrains and Delft University of Technology.

Mekelweg 5, 2628 CD Delft

The emergence of advanced AI-driven tools has led to a wide range of opportunities and transformations in software engineering practices and education. Recognizing this potential, JetBrains and Delft University of Technology have collaborated to establish the AI for Software Engineering Lab (AI4SE). Together, we are committed to conducting cutting-edge research on the impact and utilization of AI methodologies in software engineering. Our areas of focus include diverse facets of the domain, such as software development, testing, and programming education.

Sustainable Development Goals
About The Lab Hero Image

Research projects

The core of AI4SE consists of five research tracks in which researchers and five PhD students (one for each track) work together on a range of relevant topics. The lab will be run by a joint team of researchers at JetBrains and TU Delft, including Prof. Dr. Arie van Deursen and Dr. Maliheh Izadi from TU Delft, as well as Dr. Vladimir Kovalenko and Dr. Pouria Derakhshanfar from JetBrains.


Arie van Deursen
AI for FinTech Research Lab, AI4SE Lab
Lab Directors
Annibale Panichella
Lab Directors

PHD Students

Arie van Deursen
Annibale Panichella


Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a technical university in Delft. Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands.

JetBrains is a cutting-edge software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent development tools, including IntelliJ IDEA.


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