Delta Lab

Delta Lab

A collaboration between Bosch and the University of Amsterdam.

Science Park 900, 1098 XH, Amsterdam

The mission of UvA-Bosch Delta Lab (Deep Learning Technologies Amsterdam) is to perform world class research in machine learning and computer vision. Researchers at UvA will collaborate with Bosch researchers on topics including generative models, causal learning, geometric deep learning, uncertainty quantification in deep learning, human-in-the-loop methods, outlier detection, scene reconstruction, image decomposition, and semantic segmentation.  This research will be carried out by way of the following ten projects, each of which will have an associated PhD or postdoctoral researcher.

Sustainable Development Goals
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Research projects

The research is carried out by the following ten projects:

Generative Models with Symmetries

Generative Models for Causal Discovery

PDE-Based Generative Models

Anytime Uncertainty in Deep Learning

Learning-to-Defer under Distribution Shift

Continual Learning under Distribution Shift

Structured Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision

3D Scene Reconstruction

Intrinsic and Invariant Image Decomposition

Structured 3D Semantic Segmentation


Christian Naesseth
Delta lab
Lab Directors
Theo Gevers
Delta Lab, Atlas Lab
Lab Directors
Jan-Willem van de Meent
Delta Lab
Lab Directors

PHD Students

Christian Naesseth
Theo Gevers
Jan-Willem van de Meent


University of Amsterdam (UvA) is the Netherlands’ largest university, offering the widest range of academic programmes.

Bosch is a German multinational engineering and technology company. Bosch's core operating areas are spread across four business sectors: mobility (hardware and software), consumer goods (including household appliances and power tools), industrial technology (including drive and control) and energy and building technology.

University of Amsterdam

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