LTP Robust

LTP Robust

October 3, 2024
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ROBUST ‘Trustworthy AI-based Systems for Sustainable Growth’ is a human-centered research program in artificial intelligence. This ten-year Long Term Program (LTP) brings together knowledge institutes, industry, governmental organizations, and societal partners to develop AI-based methods and tools designed to create social impact and promote sustainable growth.

With a total budget of €87 million,including €25 million from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research(NWO), we are very grateful to our funders for this extraordinary opportunityto conduct collaborative research in AI that directly addresses globallysignificant technical and socio-technical challenges.



The research agenda of ROBUST focuses onthe principles underlying trustworthy AI and machine learning in order torealize the potential of AI to create social impact. Six dimensions oftrustworthy AI, namely accuracy, explainability, reliability, repeatability,resilience, and safety will guide the development of algorithms addressingspecific objectives motivated by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The ROBUST program focuses on attractingand retaining talent to work on the challenges of trustworthy AI, with 170 PhDstudents over a ten-year period. In addition, ROBUST makes research andinnovation a shared responsibility between diverse stakeholders. It practiceslearning by doing in the Dutch context, through use-inspired research,connections with startups and SMEs, and extensive knowledge-sharing efforts.


Participating in the ROBUST consortium are17 knowledge institutes, 19 co-funding industrial partners, and 15collaborating partners.



ROBUST extends ICAI’s mission and vision by adding 17new labs to ICAI’s current ecosystem. Research agendas are co-designed bycollaborating partners and directly target technical, economic, and societalgoals. Beyond their research outputs, labs create learning opportunities forbachelor and master students, foster career guidance and mobility forresearchers, and participate in a wide variety of knowledge transferactivities.



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